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Terms and Conditions – Tonies Research Project


  1.     No purchase is necessary for inclusion in this project. 
  2.     The project is open to parents or guardians of children aged 2-5,  with the exception of employees of the Research Agency, their families, agents and anyone else connected with this project.
  3.     Completed forms must be received by Midnight on 30th January 2022. The Research Agency accepts no responsibility for any submissions that are incomplete, illegible, corrupted or fail to reach the Research Agency by the relevant closing date for any reason. Entries become the property of the Promoter and are not returned.
  4.     To be considered for inclusion in the project simply complete the online survey and provide your email address.
  5.     All correctly completed forms will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and submission of the completed form is no guarantee of being accepted into the research project. 
  6.     Participants chosen to participate will receive a Tonies box and relevant Tonies following the first interview. Following successful completion of the weekly log and two additional interviews, participants will receive a thank you payment of £100 or $100 depending on location.
  7.   For more details about this study, please email amanda@goodplayguide.com
  8.   The Research Agency will use any data submitted by entrants only for the purposes of running the research project unless otherwise stated in the entry details. By submitting this form you consent to the use of your personal data by the Research Agency for the purposes of the administration of this project and any other purposes to which you have consented.
  9.   By submitting this form, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  10.  The Research Agency is The Good Toy Guide Ltd. of 10b High Street, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 1AE. UK.
  11.  In conducting this and any research project, the Research Agency (Good Toy Guide Ltd.) adheres to both the Market Research Society’s and British Psychological Society’s codes of ethics and conduct
  12.  These terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
  13. An in-depth and full version of our Terms and Conditions is available here: https://fundamentallychildren.com/terms-and-conditions-for-research-projects/