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Minds Alive Laugh & Learn Alphaphonics


A bright, colourful interactive phonics board that makes letters fun
Skill Development:
Ease of Use:
Age: 3+ years

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A fun-filled learning toy with lots of activities to discover, buttons to press and different sounds to hear… all to activate a young child’s mind!
Laugh & Learn Alphaphonics has 7 different activities, carefully designed to help with spelling and word recognition.
There are 5 activities with questions on letters, sounds and words. Also challenges the child to copy a sequence of object names, as well as playing fun sounds and music.
Carry your Alphaphonics wherever you go!

What our testers said

“It’s even got an ipad” – Girl aged 2

“Monkey, ow ow ah ah” – Boy aged 2.5

What our experts think

This lightweight interactive phonics board provides a wealth of learning opportunities for young children offering seven games in total including letters and sounds activities, sequence challenges and fun sounds and music. Our testers found the children particularly enjoyed singing and dancing to the alphabet song and also finding the animal sounds and listening to them. They enjoyed naming the animals and mimicking the sounds they made. They thought it to be bright, colourful and easy to carry for little ones. The Laugh and Learn Alphaphonics board supports early literacy skills including letter and phonic recognition. Promotes listening, concentration and attention and develops memory skills through the sequence copying games.

Skills developed

– Encourages early literacy skills

– Promotes listening and concentration

– Develops memory

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