Colouring couldn’t be brighter or cleaner! Simply fill the Aquadoodle pen with ordinary tap water, run the nib over the magic mat and see the neon colours come alive!
Any water that does run off the mat runs clear – so there is no mess, no stains and no worry! As the drawings dry, designs fade away, ready for the mat to be used over and over again. When you need to, just refill the Aquadoodle pen with water and get arty again!
Included in the set is a special paintbrush that lets you make broader neon strokes, as well as three fun animal stampers, so you can dot the mat with animal shapes. The fun designs around the edge pick up the neon theme, giving ideas to copy or inspiration to create designs of your own.
When you’ve finished, the 75 x 95 cm mat folds up for easy storage. There’s even a no-spill water container, which you can top up before you leave home so you can enjoy Aquadoodle neon fun on the go!
What our testers said
Adult: “Oh well done, that’s a lovely picture.” Child smiled. Girl aged 23 months
Adult: “Is this fun?” Child: “Yeah.” Boy aged 19 months
What our experts think
Aquadoodle is perfect for parents who want their children to have the freedom to be creative, without getting paint everywhere! The little ones loved experimenting with the different effects of using a brush or stamp, helping them learn about cause and effect.
Early mark-making (such as drawing on the Aquadoodle mat) is also the beginning of writing and using the tools helps children develop their fine motor control and tripod grasp.
The large mat encourages children to sit and crawl, strengthening arm and leg muscles.
EYFS goals supported
Physical development – “Crawls, bottom shuffles or rolls continuously to move.”; “Picks up small objects between thumb & fingers.”; “Holds pen or crayon using a whole hand (palmer) grasp and makes random marks & strokes.”
Expressive arts & design – “Notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leaves marks.”; “Explores and experiments with a range of media through sensory exploration, and using whole body.”
Personal, social & emotional – “Plays alongside others.”
Skills developed
– Mess-free creative play
– Allows children to experiment with cause and effect
– Develops skills needed for writing