My Fabulous Storyteller is a screen-free unit that has no EMF emissions, and which broadcasts stories on demand, so that children can take part in the adventures. Children can choose the hero, the secondary character, the setting and the object. It comes pre-loaded with the album of “The Fantastic stories of Suzanne and Ben” which contains 48 stories. Additional content can be purchased from the Luniistore and uploaded onto My Fabulous Storyteller. Content is released by our very own publishing house, Les Editions Lunii, a studio for literary and audio creation whose sole focus is stimulating our readers’ and listeners’ imaginations.
What our testers said
“Mum, I’m basically writing my own stories!” – Boy, aged 4
“Awesome! Brilliant! I love all the story choices!” – Girl, aged 8
What our experts think
This was a hit with the children, they absolutely loved it! Our testers felt the Lunii- My Fabulous Storyteller was beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to look at and was very simple to use and required only a little instruction with the first use. The children were fascinated with the stories and they felt like they were writing their own by being able to select the characters. They also liked that it gave them independence to have alone time while listening to the stories. It is a great product to get children into stories and allowing them to have autonomy over the story and is lovely that you can have the stories come out of the speaker or use headphones. This is also brilliant to take on a car trip! Our testers thought it would be good if there was a child lock button so the younger children weren’t able to accidentally change the settings once they were set as this did happen a few times.
Skills developed
– Promotes storytelling
– Great for listening and attention skills
– Builds vocabulary