Discover the world of patterns!
Join the Numberblocks on the fun-filled Race to Pattern Palace, where you can play all day. Children will love to copy, extend, and create patterns around an easy-to-use game board inspired by the “Pattern Palace” episode from the global hit TV series. Learn about numbers and create patterns as you move Numberblocks One to Four over bridges, through twists and around turns on the game board, using colored tiles to create the patterns shown on the pattern cards. Enjoy two levels of play on this number adventure that promotes pattern and color recognition, counting, curiosity, logical thinking, and more. As your little one works from preschool to kindergarten, the Numberblocks Race to Pattern Palace! Board Game is a great way to make learning fun and engaging and help with the transition. Numberblocks is helping millions of children around the world to fall in love with numbers, master key math skills, and discover the joy of learning.
What our testers said
“Can we make our own pattern?” – Boy aged 5
“Pop! I landed on the green !” – Girl aged 5
What our experts think
Numberblocks Race to Pattern Palace Board Game is a competitive board game with the objective to reach the Pattern Palace first. Children enjoyed setting up the character “pons” and the game materials with guidance, as well as singing songs they remembered from the Number Blocks show as they set-up for the game. Following the dice-popper moves, imitating and extending patterns, and having unexpected jumps forward and back with the “tricks” cards all support math readiness skills. The children love the popular Number Blocks characters and are motivated by the whimsical board game design and the race to win. They loved popping the dice to make their next move! With each successful pattern they mastered, they were able to zoom even faster toward Pattern Palace. Numberblocks Race to Pattern Palace Board Game sparks imagination, builds and hones early math skills, and promotes socialisation during competitive game play.
Skills developed
– Develops math readiness skills
– Promotes socialisation through interactive, competitive game play
– Encourages imagination