Ollyball, Winner of a 2019 Toy of the Year, was created for colouring activities and Active Indoor Recess. Ollyball weighs less than an ounce, absorbs shock through a patented KrunchCOR® construction, and can be coloured with any marker or crayon. Ollyball’s “huggable colouring activity” helps develop focus, creativity, and creative thinking. Ollyball has become an object of attachment for kids, teens, and adults with ADHD, autism, or other educational, learning, or writing disabilities. Ollyball is an excellent tool for parents and educators to facilitate learning and has been called a kinesthetic talking stick.
What our testers said
“Oh, it is so soft and light.” – Girl aged 5
“The sofa is our barrier to hit it over. Ready. Go!” – Girl aged 7
What our experts think
Our testers were thrilled by the prospect of indoor ball play. They were eager to inflate the Ollyball with the included straw and intuitively started to throw, tap, kick, and catch the ball. The children were further intrigued by the opportunity to color-in and personalize their ball. The colouring-book type graphics on the ball captured their attention and provided several hours of fun as they carefully chose their colours. Older children were meticulous about their artistry. Children intuitively used familiar ball play to create their own personalised, indoor games with family and friends. Their play was energetic when they were in pairs or larger groups. While playing with the Ollyball, children 4-to-6-years old, build and hone fine motor/perceptual skills for colouring and develop eye-hand coordination skills and early cause effect processing. With the included lesson plan, parents and teachers can foster scientific curiosity and knowledge in the area of physics and functional use of mathematics for children in the 7-to-9-year age group.
Skills developed
– Encourages eye-hand coordination skills
– Develops fine Motor/Perceptual skills
– Supports cause-effect processing