Explore the educational and engaging world of PAW Patrol Academy, a preschool learning experience seamlessly blending the beloved PAW Patrol brand with essential kindergarten readiness skills. Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide recommends this high-quality program for its empowering and educational features.
Key Features:
- Interactive missions that combine actual episodes with exciting adventures for preschoolers.
- Focus on kindergarten readiness skills to prepare kids for the next educational milestones.
- Immerse children in Adventure Bay, creating a captivating and immersive learning environment.
PAW Patrol Academy goes beyond entertainment, instilling a sense of empowerment and the belief that children can achieve great things. This educational journey is a seamless extension of the PAW Patrol brand, providing a valuable and enjoyable experience for young learners.
- App Traits
- The Lookout Hub, where preschoolers can choose what and how they want to learn.
- Chase’s ABC Dictionary activity allows kids to learn how letters have sounds, and these sounds and letters can be combined to form vocabulary words that have meaning.
- Rubble’s Letter Construction activity invites kids to create any letter they want using construction beams. These letters can then be used to restructure words found in an PAW Patrol Episode.
- Marshall’s Numbers Round Up activity introduces kids to counting and numerology.
- Rocky’s Shapin’ Up activity begins with a problem at the repair shop that can be solved using different shapes.
- Skye’s Dance Party is a pure fun way to sing, dance and get the preschool “wiggles” out.
- Zuma’s Beachside Art Gallery celebrates a child’s creativity with colour sheets that allow kids to colour PAW Patrol characters in any way they wish.
- Real Missions that allow kids the chance to become an Adventure Bay Hero.
- Real episode clips that keep a child’s attention and reinforce learning
- Beloved characters that make learning fun and engaging
- The Lookout Hub, where preschoolers can choose what and how they want to learn.