The Impact of STEAM in Your Child’s Development
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Traditionally, these subjects are taught separately, whereas STEAM activities connect them, making it one holistic learning experience and showing children how various fields overlap and influence each other - as they
Supporting Independent Play: Engaging Toys for Child Development
Independent play is an important part of a child’s development, and it is a skill that needs to be nurtured and developed over time. Although it is important to engage in play sessions with your child, they will also benefit
Developing Communication and Social Skills through Play
Play is a powerful tool. It goes beyond the realms of simply being just about the fun and provides endless possibilities for learning too. Having the ability to communicate with one’s peers and adults within a social setting, is a
Building a better future, block by block with Magicube
The importance of sustainability is something that we are seeing more frequently becoming part of our everyday lives. But what exactly is sustainability? Putting it simply, it is providing for the needs of our current generation without having a detrimental impact
How to successfully transition back to school for children with additional needs
For children with additional needs, anxiety about returning to school after the summer break can be overwhelming. Dealing with changes in setting (the school building instead of home) and community (teachers and peers instead of family) are often the most
Sustainable living at home with the family
What you will learn: The importance of teaching children about sustainability and being eco-friendly. Products that can help to encourage eco-friendly changes within your household. It has never been more important to do our bit to combat climate change. With global